Covid 19 Updates

Restrictions were lifted on Monday 19th July 2022

While receiving your treatment, I respect your choice of whether you want to where a mask or not. I shall be continuing with rigourous cleaning between clients and shall wear a mask as I see fit, for vulnerable clients or clients who display even mild cold symptoms. This will be for protection of my vulnerable clients and myself, as I cannot work if I am ill.

I kindly ask that you do not attend if you have any symptoms of covid 19, or if you have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive. Please call to reschedule. 

Thank you

Risk assessment and procedures in place

The preventative procedures in place now (2024) have been downgraded somewhat since the height of covid 19. Those in place now are as follows ...

Objective: To keep the workplace clean and prevent transmission by touching contaminated surfaces.

Steps put in place:

Hand sanitiser in place on entrance and in workspace.

Tissues provided and client informed if they feel the need to cough or sneeze, they must use a tissue and put it in the bin provided afterwards. Hand sanitiser must be used or hands must be wash throughly after.

Paper towels provided for drying hands in the WC.

Anyone with symptoms of temperature, coughing or loss of taste/smell are asked not to attend.

Spacing appointments to allow for cleaning and sanitising of work areas, frequently touched areas, toilets and equipment used between each client. Maintaining good ventilation by opening windows between each client.

Waste ie used couch roll, tissues etc to be removed, bag and disposed of after each client.

Clean sheets, blankets and towels used after couch sanitised ready for new client.

Appropriate face masks available to use if seen sensible .

Covid test done by therapist before treating any clients, if any covid symptoms present.

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